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   Most trips to the other side of the world would be life changing in some way, especially when planned by your recently passed mother. However, visions, dreams, strange encounters, and ancient gifts are a bit more than Jane had in mind. She certainly wasn’t expecting to open a stone gateway to an otherworld or uncover secrets that would rock her knowledge of reality to its very core. This is the beginning of a journey between two realms, four kingdoms and a girl trying to find her place amongst it all. 

My first ever review! Thank you Amazing story.


Meet some of the different cultures and worlds


Find out about some of the characters in the series


Learn about the places in the books, on both sides of the stones

“Do not regret. Do not wonder. Instead, step forward with purpose and belief.”

– Lily

About The Author

Kim Donovan is a New Zealand born writer and has been writing all her life. Though adopted as a baby, Kim’s family was from England, so she has spent some time exploring the castles and cathedrals of the UK. With a degree and interest in medieval British history, the world of the Celts has always of interested to her. 

Kim lives with her husband and adorable cat, Abi, in Auckland, New Zealand. With piles of jigsaws and a full Kobo reader, Kim relaxes by reading a good fantasy book or sitting and doing a jigsaw.